Monday, April 6, 2020

Around the Coffee Table with Chuck: Viral overload

As some of  you may have noticed I have been off my blogs for a couple of weeks. The reason was I was ill and in the Hospital with pneumonia . Of course it was right as the Virus was roaring to life so, I was tested and 5 days later found to be negative. But , it was worse being struggling to breathe and coughing my fool head off. I came out of the hospital and I am  still on antibiotics and steroids to keep my lungs clear. Now I must admit that I have COPD nobody can understand why I have never smoked not even one time. But my chest Xrays revealed the potential for congestive heart failure and so I will be even more specialists . I say all this because I have had a great attitude about the whole thing. I know where I am going when the time comes and I don't fear it but only fear the loss on my family. I have to tell  you that I am so disappointed in my generation . People who I respected for being open minded now are not only not open minded but hateful towards anyone who thinks differently . The name calling the constant stating facts that although some news organizations swear are true or not true. Common sense allows one to know the actual fact . I guess that is what it is a lack of the use of plain old common sense. A perfect example was the Joe Biden's son event . No one gets paid millions of dollars with no experience and no ability to impact a company except by the use of his fathers position and then have the father one tape push another country to remove a prosecutor that was opening an investigation of his son. Then almost half the country blamed the President for trying to force an investigation of that action. How far from common sense have we gone If I pushed someone to higher my son or I would pull government funds , I would be investigated charged and convicted. But we are thinking about making him our President. Are we in the Twilight Zone?
So, lets raise a glass of whatever and pledge to think things through and apply good old common sense to these items and I think we will make it just fine. 

Ray Stevens Dr Dr 

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Around the Coffee table with Chuck:How About Some reasonable actions

How About Some reasonable actions

As I set and watch all this television with ads, debates , news articles that make accusations, Congress acting like a couple of 8 yr old little girls talking about someone but not willing to admit they talked about them. 
When are we as a society say enough is enough and stop allowing the media both left and right to lead our thoughts to places that are not reasonable. Yes we have a very corrupt political class at this point but we cannot just elect a bull dog to tear up the government nor an old man with dementia that will give away our grandchildren's grandchildren way of life and doom the country to poverty. 

President Trump was elected because a whole bunch of us wanted someone to finally get the ridiculous amounts of regulation and red tape out of Washington . We knew it was corrupt and bloated to the point of bursting . He did what we asked him about fixing rampant border incursions of illegal immigrants , the economy, getting us out of the middle east and stop being screwed by every country under the sun on trade and paying for their protection without any return for what we do. 

But Mister President we also expected a sense of dignity and quorum in the office. Your tweets and comments many times are not at all what the American People want in a President. So please speak after thinking what an 8 year old child would think of your comment.

To my friends on the Democratic side, you have for almost 40 years or more stopped this country from progressing in anyway other than towards socialism or communism, your actions in the last election were both stupid and inept. The trying to impeach a President for something you put in motion by using disgruntled employees to be "whistle blowers" was so see through my 6 year old grandson commented on it as being stupid . Now the persons you having running for President are both elderly to the point of being not physically or mentally capable of the Job one is a "Democratic Socialist" and the other is blatantly corrupt even though you all deny it the documents are there to prove it and he was so stupid as to brag about killing the investigation of corruption in another country by pulling aid (although ineffective aid) from the same country you tried to impeach Trump for requesting they continue investigating a patently corrupt companies dealing with Americans. And I do not want to hear about Hillary, Barack or Bill before the decade is over they will most likely be indicted for enriching themselves by selling secrets, uranium , working with Islamic extremists to get weapons and allowing diplomats and americans to die and then lying about the cause.
If Hillary was not so corrupt in the eyes of the Americans she should have destroyed Trump at the ballot box as he had no experience and yet won. 

Now we have the media taking the information timely passed on by all sorts of Governments and scientists and revving it up to be both political and scaring the majority of Americans.

So I beg you all to SHUT UP and just give us the facts on anything not your slants. 

A fed up American 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Around the Coffee Table with Chuck: Cold winter days lead to Hot drinks and too much food

It's freezing outside and you are stuck inside what is the first thing you do? 

I have always made hot coffee , tea or cocoa, set back turned on the TV or radio in the day and listened to what was on the air. But with that I also used to eat donuts, cookies or a piece of pie all of which just layered on the pounds. 

So, how do we defeat that ? 
We listen to stuff that makes you move , what you say is that ? 
Why Disco or course.

See if this doesn't make you get up dance or at least move with the beat?
Bay City Rollers 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Around the Coffee Table with Chuck: Lets lighten the mood

With all the nastiness on TV lets look at something to lighten our Mood. 
(Sorry I haven't been posting , fighting the flu)

Here are some lighter thoughts and tunes

Jerry Clower
Mark Lowery 
Mac Davis 

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Around the Coffee table with Chuck: Let's talk Folk Rock Music

The Seekers

  The nice part about this blog is it allows me to talk about some great artists in many fields, The first one this year is the great Australian group the Seekers . 
The Seekers are an Australian folk-influenced pop quartet, originally formed in Melbourne in 1962. They were the first Australian pop music group to achieve major chart and sales success in the United Kingdom and the United States. They were popular during the 1960s with their best-known configuration as: Judith Durham on vocals, piano, and tambourine; Athol Guy on double bass and vocals; Keith Potger on twelve-string guitar, banjo, and vocals; and Bruce Woodley on guitar, mandolin, banjo, and vocals.
The group had Top 10 hits in the 1960s with "I'll Never Find Another You", "A World of Our Own", "Morningtown Ride", "Someday, One Day" (written by Paul Simon), "Georgy Girl" (the title song of the film of the same name), and "The Carnival Is Over" by Tom Springfield, the last being an adaptation of the Russian folk song "Stenka Razin". It is still one of the top 50 best-selling singles in the UK. Australian music historian Ian McFarlane described their style as "concentrated on a bright, uptempo sound, although they were too pop to be considered strictly folk and too folk to be rock."
In 1967,[1] they were named as joint "Australians of the Year" – the only group thus honoured. In July 1968, Durham left to pursue a solo career and the group disbanded. The band has reformed periodically, and in 1995 they were inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame. "I'll Never Find Another You" was added to the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia's Sounds of Australia registry in 2011. Woodley's and Dobe Newton's song "I Am Australian", which was recorded by The Seekers, and by Durham with Russell Hitchcock and Mandawuy Yunupingu, has become an unofficial Australian anthem. With "I'll Never Find Another You" and "Georgy Girl", the band also achieved success in the United States, but not nearly at the same level as in the rest of the world. The Seekers have sold over 50 million records worldwide.
The Seekers were individually honoured as Officers of the Order of Australia in the Queen's Birthday Honours of June 2014 from Wikipedia 
If you cannot remember them you will when you hear Judith Durham sweet voice , coming on the scene when life in the world was very upsetting their music was not only calming but comforting. Here are several links to their music 

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Around the Coffee table with Chuck: The New Year

This New Year will be a great opportunity to keep our emotions in check and have a good laugh at the rest of the Country as they meltdown. Did you ever think about why we worry about vaping but not about abortion? How about what we spend to put up road side signage and yet most people could tell you what one sign they past says. How about outlawing plastic straws while having people living on the streets. Then there is those that would want us to do with out any government laws or religion I really did not believe these folks existed till I saw four of them comment exactly that way on TV. One was even a legislator . So lets all listen to the old time comics they call it straight and true. 

Ray Stevens, Jerry Clower and Minnie Pearl  Southern Airlines

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Around the Coffee Table with Chuck:What is an impeachable offense what the framers thought

There has been much conversation about what the framers of the Constitution intended to be impeachable. First , they limited to just Treason and Bribery only the crimes that were impeachable. But George Mason of Virginia want to add Maladministration as an impeachable offense James Madison argued that to do that it would give the Senate a from of control and they could easily remove a President. Benjamin Franklin had warned about allowing Congress too much control over the President and to ensure there was oversight but only for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Thus Madison suggestion for a clause included " High Crimes and Misdemeanors" which was understood to mean gross misadministration and one overt act that would be a crime under federal law. Notice that it did not allow for recall by the senate upholding an impeachment in the house on regular occurrences Finally Treason was defined as "overt acts to aid a wartime enemy". 
New York’s Gouverneur Morris stood to say that arguments in favor of impeachment had convinced him “of the necessity of impeachments. 

"Our executive may be bribed by a greater interest to betray his trust, and no one would say that we ought to expose ourselves to the danger of seeing the first magistrate in foreign pay without being able to guard against it by displacing it…. The executive ought to be impeachable for treachery; corrupting his electors, and incapacity. He should be punished not as a man but as an officer and punished only by degradation from his office. "
Thus High Crimes and Misdemeanors is just what it says unless a crime had been committed it is not impeachable and such crimes should be of a serious nature and punished if found guilty by only removal from office . 
Finally Benjamin Franklin weighed in 
As fruitless back-and-forth exchanges turned into a chorus of catcalls, all eyes turned to the venerable Benjamin Franklin for help: 
“What was the practice before in cases where the chief magistrate rendered himself obnoxious?” asked the aging sage rhetorically. With his spectacles balanced precariously near the tip of his nose, he feigned careful thought, then answered his own question: 
Why, recourse was had to assassination in which he was not only deprived of his life but of the opportunity of vindicating his character. It would be the best way therefore to provide in the Constitution for the regular punishment of the Executive where his misconduct should deserve it, and for his honorable acquittal when he should be unjustly accused.

As collective laughter filled the hall, tension eased, and Virginia’s diminutive James Madison, a planter’s son, joined the debate:
It is indispensable that some provision be made for defending the community against incapacity, negligence, or perfidy of the chief magistrate. The limitation of the period of his service is not a sufficient security. He might lose his capacity after his appointment. He might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression. He might betray his trust to foreign powers.

South Carolina planter Charles Cotesworth Pinckney drawled that he could not see “or understand the need for any sort of impeachments.” The power to impeach would allow the legislature to hold “as a rod over the executive and by that means destroy his independence.”
 Thus even then it was a real problem to define what exactly was an impeachable offense but they all were leary of making the office of President under the control of Congress at any time but independent unless a most foul crime is committed. 

Around the Coffee Table with Chuck: Viral overload

As some of  you may have noticed I have been off my blogs for a couple of weeks. The reason was I was ill and in the Hospital with pneumoni...