How About Some reasonable actions
As I set and watch all this television with ads, debates , news articles that make accusations, Congress acting like a couple of 8 yr old little girls talking about someone but not willing to admit they talked about them.
When are we as a society say enough is enough and stop allowing the media both left and right to lead our thoughts to places that are not reasonable. Yes we have a very corrupt political class at this point but we cannot just elect a bull dog to tear up the government nor an old man with dementia that will give away our grandchildren's grandchildren way of life and doom the country to poverty.
President Trump was elected because a whole bunch of us wanted someone to finally get the ridiculous amounts of regulation and red tape out of Washington . We knew it was corrupt and bloated to the point of bursting . He did what we asked him about fixing rampant border incursions of illegal immigrants , the economy, getting us out of the middle east and stop being screwed by every country under the sun on trade and paying for their protection without any return for what we do.
But Mister President we also expected a sense of dignity and quorum in the office. Your tweets and comments many times are not at all what the American People want in a President. So please speak after thinking what an 8 year old child would think of your comment.
To my friends on the Democratic side, you have for almost 40 years or more stopped this country from progressing in anyway other than towards socialism or communism, your actions in the last election were both stupid and inept. The trying to impeach a President for something you put in motion by using disgruntled employees to be "whistle blowers" was so see through my 6 year old grandson commented on it as being stupid . Now the persons you having running for President are both elderly to the point of being not physically or mentally capable of the Job one is a "Democratic Socialist" and the other is blatantly corrupt even though you all deny it the documents are there to prove it and he was so stupid as to brag about killing the investigation of corruption in another country by pulling aid (although ineffective aid) from the same country you tried to impeach Trump for requesting they continue investigating a patently corrupt companies dealing with Americans. And I do not want to hear about Hillary, Barack or Bill before the decade is over they will most likely be indicted for enriching themselves by selling secrets, uranium , working with Islamic extremists to get weapons and allowing diplomats and americans to die and then lying about the cause.
If Hillary was not so corrupt in the eyes of the Americans she should have destroyed Trump at the ballot box as he had no experience and yet won.
Now we have the media taking the information timely passed on by all sorts of Governments and scientists and revving it up to be both political and scaring the majority of Americans.
So I beg you all to SHUT UP and just give us the facts on anything not your slants.
A fed up American