Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Around the Coffee table with Chuck : Why is there a Secretary of Defense but not a Generall of Offense ?

We Americans do every thing we can to appear to be a peaceful group. We describe the evening hours as the restful , but are they really? we watch the  upsetting news and then maybe  try to walk the dog , trying to remember who does the pickup as a senior moment and just walk by. We come in from the walk and hear "did you take out the trash"  you want to yell back Obviously not you are still in my recliner aren't you. Now we are to the real restful time, I call it phone hour a lot like the twilight zone. The phone rings and it is your mother in law for her daughter. Always , Where is my Daughter? Never is Jane or Rhonda home, or even is witch of the house at home. This continues with calls from the 30 neighborhood ladies and some that don't even live in this country or planet for that matter.
Then comes the moment of expectation does she yell at you immediately or wait to let the anger boil.
Well, she opens the door and says what tv shows are we watching tonight. You want ot say  none as you have talked for 3 hours of shows. Instead you stumble  and say No dear I thought we would go for a walk, the plan is in motion. So she comes with her poodle in her arms , I attach the leash and open the door and push her out the door lock the door and go to bed. Watch for my Obituary tomorrow's paper

Women may not have tough names but they are just the same.

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