How we learn now , is it really learning?
Today we learn by electronic means approximately 90% of the information that we need to effectively survive in today's World. In comparison to the 1950's when about 5% of the information needed to survive was from electronic sources. When is the last time you rad and actual print newspaper , I would suggest that it was probably over 2-3 weeks ago. Why because we carry the world on our hip in the form of smart phones, etc. Instantly we can see stock quotes, world news, local news and the weather. But, what do we give up for that instant gratification? Today we no longer no how to escape the world's pressures, when is the last time you went for a day with out hearing about the stupid Trump Investigation? I wanted to know how long I could go without knowing anything from electronic media, about 5 minutes after I awoke yesterday, I had to check my checking balance , in the old days I would have looked at my register and known. Today I have to log on and check it. Why because now we schedule payments of bills on line and we pay with a card al the while, nobody carries cash any more. There is show now called the Purge which allows crime to rule the country one day a month or year. I would like to propose a day a year with no electronic media allowed, turn in your phones, shut off the laptop, un plug the PC and relax. If you absolutely have to get something or contact someone , you will have to get up and walk there or drive there and have face to face contact. Think how much time to think you would have that day and how relaxed you will be.
So join me in calling for a no electronic media day in January 2020 , There President Trump another out of the box act for you oh that's right that means no tweeting, guess that's not going anywhere guess I'll have to send him a face book message.
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