Friday, October 11, 2019

Around the Coffee table with Chuck: Why the great Divide?

 Why the great Divide?
Why are we as country so divided? I believe it is based in changes made in the country after Watergate. Prior to this so-called investigation, elected officials were always treated with respect. The late 1960’s was rife with incidents that upset the populace, but they were cut and dry issues for the most part. Middle America including urban areas was scared because of the riots for Civil Rights and College Riots about the Viet Nam war. Starting in the late fifty’s colleges had hired almost exclusively Ivy league type educators and had moved to the far extreme left in views. This was force fed to the students and not controlled by most college boards of Trustees. So, when Nixon was elected it was thought he would immediately pull out the troops, even though he had stated right along that he would bring the troops home with “Honor”. Thus, you had the beginnings of an opportunity to incite the masses. Ted Kennedy after Chappaquiddick basically ruined his plans to become President was convinced that he needed a President that would do exactly as he wished. The Watergate break in gave him the chance to level the political field that had turned decidedly Republican. So, began a circus of attempts to force Nixon from office, Congressional hearings, reports in major newspapers that were no longer verified extensively but printed for effect. In the end Nixon felt he had to save the office of the Presidency and resigned. So, the technique of accuse and discredit became the main attack dog of both parties. Since that time, we have seen every President been accused of wrong doing and hearings held. Every President has had to extensively scrub their background to remove or contain any item that could be used to discredit them. The media also has never come to the middle again and has been a tool for the Democratic Party, until Fox News arrived and was the Republican attack dog. So now we have large fields of candidates every election running because they think the front running persons will be eliminated by some scandal or another.
We the populace have been bombarded for years with constant scandal or what the media calls a scandal. I personally don’t care about Trump or Clinton’s Tax returns or extra marital affairs (unless in the Oval Office) or any thing else done before winning the Presidency. What I do want is a President that does what he says he will do and who does not rule in a manner meant to eliminate political support for the other party illegally. The problem is that now most of the country gets on social media and they are attacked for their views. We must stop the evil speech now before it spreads to the next generation. So please think about the tone your responses and posts convey are remember that even though many of rights have been diminished it is still America where you have the right to express your opinion. 
The Beatles Come Together

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